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During a very nice ceremony carried out within the program of the 7th Slovak Biophysical Symposium, which was held in Nový Smokovec (Slovakia) on April 6 – April 8, 2016, two of our colleagues were awarded by The Slovak Biophysical Society (SBS) Awards. Dr. Marián Fabián received the SBS Award for his rich and fruitful contribution to the development of Biophysics in Slovakia. Dr. Veronika Huntošová was chosen by the SBS committee among several quality nominations in the category of young researchers (up to 35 years). She won the SBS Award for her outstanding results obtained in the field of Biophysics. We want to congratulate them for their hard and excellent work and wish all us other successful years of a common research! (photo 1, photo 2, photo 3).


The Workshop on Celim Final Meeting will be held
on 10 - 12th May, 2016 in Košice (Poster + Program)







Dňa 9.3.2016 o 14:30 hod sa otvoria moderno, vedecko-výskumné laboratória na medzinárodnej úrovni Centra Interdisciplinárnych Biovied na Univerzite Pavla Jozefa Šafárika   v Košiciach .

Radi by sme Vás týmto pozvali o 13:00 hod  v miestnosti P1 (Park Angelinum) na prednášky Ing. Igora Lacíka, DrSc.  (Riaditeľa ústavu polymérov SAV a Laureáta krištáľového krídla v kategórií Medicína a veda  a prof. MUDr.  Pavla Martáska, DrSc.  ( Riaditeľa Biotechnologického a biomedicínskeho centra Akadémie vied a Karlovej Univerzity vo Vestci)

(Pozvánka, program, prednášky)


Post-doctoral position in protein science at the Center for Interdisciplinary Biosciences, Faculty of Science, P. J. Safarik University, Kosice, Slovak Republic.

Center for Interdisciplinary Biosciences (CIB) ( ) is a newly formed interdisciplinary research center with the primary aim to carry out outstanding research on the crossroad of physics, biology, chemistry and informatics. The researchers in the Center are mainly dedicated to the study of targeted therapy of cancer, mitochondria in health and diseases, and structural dynamics of biological mesoscopic systems. The ambition of CIB, which is strongly supported by the presence of the-state-of-the-art experimental equipment, technical instruments and infrastructure, is not only to perform outstanding basic science, but also to translate outputs of the basic research into clinical practice, industry and other field of the economy. The advertised position is available in the group of prof. Miskovsky, a founder of CIB. At the present, the activities of the group belong between core research activities of the Center. The main research topic studied in the group is targeted cancer therapy. The ambition of this research is to increase the sensitivity of cancer detection and the selectivity and efficacy of cancer treatment. These tasks are fulfilled by a development of targeted drug delivery systems and elucidation of the mechanisms of targeted anti-cancer treatment procedure, photodynamic therapy (PDT). One year post-doctoral position with an optional prolongation for an additional year is opened for candidates experienced in the research field of protein science (structure, stability, conformational flexibility and dynamics). The position is available since January 2016. 

More informations here.


CelimNovember 3rd – 6th, 2015, ATRIUM Hotel, Novy Smokovec, High Tatras. The aim of this conference is to bring together specialists from various disciplines relevant for high-resolution imaging of biological objects, with special emphasis on X-ray imaging and cell DNA architecture. Amongst the topics covered will be X-ray instrumentation and interim state of XFEL biological imaging, suitability of biological samples for X-ray imaging and related sample preparation. Besides the sample preparation and contrasting issues, computational data workflow for lensless imaging will be presented. The main purpose of the conference will be to to provide the information helping the cell biology researchers to understand how to take advantage of the potential of future  generation X-ray imaging, especially (but not restricted to) SPB (Single Particles and Biolomecules) and SFX (Serial Femtosecond Crystallography) experiments at XFEL Europe.

Registration form here.


V tohtoročnom vydaní eNewsletteru Scope   je  uvedený rozhovor s koordinátorom významného projektu 7. RP EU   prof. Pavlom Miškovským vedúcim  Katedry biofyziky a vedúcim Centra Interdisciplinárnych Biovied na Univerzite Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach. V tomto rozhovore prof. Miškovksý uvádza základne informácie o získanom  projekte CELIM, a načrtáva ďalšie zámery pracoviska Centra Interdisciplinárnych Biovied  pre  najbližšie obdobie .

newsletter nájdete na ( newsletter , článok )


The Workshop on Mining Complex Data will be held
on 25 - 27th October, 2014 in Košice (Poster + Program)






6.7.2014 – 9.7.2014 in Košice, Slovakia. Multi-scale modelling meets imaging across the scales. Modelling chromatin structure and dynamic. DNA ion type surface dependence. Systematic structure-based coarse graining approach. A solvent-mediated model of DNA - Newton inversion. Simulations of human G-Quadruplex. X-ray imaging of biological structures. New generation of algorithms - mapping the structures and conformations of macromolecules. Coherent di_raction experiments, implementation, storage and distributed processing. (Poster + Program)


26.5. - 1.6.2014 (Poster + Program + web page)






14. 5. 2014, 13:30 in Big meeting room on Šrobarova str., Košice (Poster)


22. 4. 2014 o 13:00 (Evaluation meeting after 9 months of CELIM 22. 4. 2014 13:00 in KBF, Košice)


Slovakia, as one of the first European country, has signed the Euro-BioImaging Memorandum of Understanding. The core of the Slovak node is formed by the Centre of Interdisciplinary BioScience P.J. Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science that is realsing project CELIM.


10 -14. 2. 2014 in Liptovsky Jan, Slovakia. The School will concentrate on tutorial lectures devoted to basic concepts of synchrotron radiation and its use in variety of research areas. It will provide information on possible research topics, experimental techniques, application for beamtime and practical arrangement of experiments (web page).


The intention of the three-day meeting (11 - 13. 2. 2014), which  will take place in the Low Tatras,  will expand the CIB for the whole Slovakia and create a nationwide network of excellence in (Slovak Bio-Imaging Network). (Poster + mp3)





The kick-off meeting of the project will be held from October 1st to the October 3rd 2013 in the hotel Kempinski, Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras (Program).


The will be held from June 17th to June 30th at the Department of Biophysics, Institute of Computer Science, P.J. Šafárik University in Košice. The workshop is organized in a cooperation with the doctoral school with Interdisciplinaire pour être vivant (Université P. et M. Curie, Paris, France), Laserlab Europe (User Community Training) and International Laser Center. More details can be found at the web page of the doctoral school.


OtvorenieThe official project opening was held on Wednesday June 5th, 2013 at the Institute of Physics, Department of Biophysics, Jesenná 5, Košice. The project and the project infrastructure was presented by the project coordinator Prof. Pavol Miškovský.



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